Best Cardiologist - Dr Manish Juneja

Angioplasty in Nagpur

Committed to Your Heart, Your Health, Your Life

Angioplasty in Nagpur

Coronary angioplasty, or percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), is a non-surgical procedure that opens blocked heart arteries to improve blood flow. Heart specialists in Nagpur are capable of treating the same with utmost precision and expertise, making it particularly safe to have heart problems treated in Nagpur. A balloon-tipped catheter is threaded through the vessel at the site of damage, and then inflated to widen that section of the artery so blood can flow more easily. Sometimes, a stent is placed to keep the artery open and prevent additional blockages. Advanced medical equipment and experienced cardiologists in Nagpur help these known patients to get excellent treatment for their coronary artery disease, which further helps improve the quality of life, and overall heart condition.

Cardiac Angioplasty Procedure


Angioplasty, technically referred to as percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) is a mechanical procedure with certain key steps aimed at restoring natural flow of the blood to heart. In-depth process overview

1. Preparation:

  • You will be given a local anesthetic to numb the area where the catheter is inserted (the groin, wrist, or arm).
  • Intravenous (IV): A line is inserted into an arm vein to provide medicines and fluids.

2. Catheter Insertion:

  • An insertion site is made with a small incision.
  • A sheath, which is a small plastic tube, is placed into an artery.
  • A guidewire is added to the sheath and then a catheter (long, flexible tube) passed down thru it into your blood vessels and directed upto the coronary arteries.

3. Balloon Inflation:

  • The catheter is then advanced through the blocked or narrowed part of the coronary artery, and a contrast dye is injected via the catheter to get an image of the artery under X-ray.
  • A balloon-tipped catheter is advanced to the blockage;
  • While the plaque is pressed against the walls of the artery and at that moment, an angiogram balloon—inflated partially—is put in place which squeezes it into a normal shaped way to get blood flow.

4. Stent Placement:

  • Stent: A stent (a small wire mesh tube) is placed in most instances at the site of a blockage.
  • The stent is placed on a balloon catheter and moved into the area of narrowing.
  • Once the balloon is inflated, it expands the stent that then locks in place to keep the artery open then the balloon is deflated and the stent, now in place of overfilling tissue.

5. Completion:

  • The sheath, guidewire, and catheter are gently removed.
  • To stop the bleeding, pressure is administered to the site of insertion and a bandage or closure device is placed.
  • The patient is watched for a few hours to ensure there are no issues.

6. Recuperation:

  • Patients could need a day or two of observation time in the hospital.
  • Blood clots may be avoided and the stent can stay open with the prescription of medications, such as antiplatelet medications.
  • The majority of patients may resume their regular activities after a week, however they should refrain from physically demanding tasks for a few days. 

Why is Angioplasty done?


The purpose of Angioplasty is to address the symptoms of chest pain (angina) , shortness of breath, or heart attacks that may arise from decreased blood flow to the heart muscle because of narrowed or blocked coronary arteries. 


Symptom Relief

Angioplasty effectively alleviates symptoms such as chest pain (angina), shortness of breath, and fatigue, allowing patients to engage in daily activities with greater comfort and less discomfort.

Reduced Risk of Heart Attack

Angioplasty mitigates the likelihood of heart attacks and other severe cardiac events by reestablishing adequate blood flow to the heart. This preventive measure has the potential to save the lives of individuals with severe coronary artery disease.

Minimally Invasive

Angioplasty is a minimally invasive procedure that has a relatively brief recovery time in comparison to traditional open-heart surgery. Patients generally report a faster return to their regular activities, fewer complications, and reduced pain.

Risks Involved


Bleeding or discoloration at the catheter insertion site, blood vessel damage, adverse reactions to contrast dye, blood clotting, and rare complications such as heart attack, stroke, or kidney damage are all potential risks of angioplasty. Angioplasty is generally safe and complications are uncommon when performed by experienced professionals, despite the risks involved.

Types of Angioplasty

Balloon Angioplasty

Uses a small balloon to widen the narrowed artery by compressing the plaque against the artery walls.

Stent Placement

Involves placing a small wire mesh tube (stent) in the artery to keep it open after balloon angioplasty. Stents can be bare-metal or drug-eluting (coated with medication to prevent restenosis).

Laser Angioplasty

Employs a laser to vaporize plaque buildup, clearing the way for balloon angioplasty and stent placement.

Smoking Habit

Former and current smokers are more likely to get heart related issues. Visit a Cardiologist in Nagpur on a regular interval to keep a watchful eye on your heart health.

Cutting Balloon Angioplasty

Utilizes a balloon with small blades to cut the plaque as the balloon is inflated, facilitating artery expansion.

What is done after the procedure of Angioplasty?


The patient is relocated to a recuperation area following an angioplasty procedure, where they are closely monitored for a period of several hours. In order to prevent any immediate complications, such as haemorrhage or adverse reactions, vital signs, including blood pressure, pulse rate, and the insertion site, are routinely monitored. The patient is frequently required to remain in a supine position for a few hours, particularly if the catheter was inserted through the groyne, in order to reduce the likelihood of hemorrhaging. Pain at the insertion site is typically negligible; however, medication is administered as required to alleviate any discomfort.


Patients are typically hospitalized for one to two days for observation. During this period, physicians will evaluate the patient’s recuperation, administer medications to prevent blood clotting, and potentially administer follow-up tests to verify the success of the procedure. Aspirin and clopidogrel are antiplatelet medications that are frequently prescribed to mitigate the risk of future cardiac events and prevent the formation of clots in the stent.


Patients are provided with comprehensive instructions regarding postoperative care prior to their discharge. These guidelines encompass activity restrictions, such as the prohibition of strenuous exercise and heavy lifting for a designated period, and suggestions for a heart-healthy lifestyle, which includes diet and exercise. Appointments are scheduled for follow-up to monitor the patient’s progress and address any potential issues. It is essential to comply with these guidelines in order to achieve a successful recovery and maintain long-term cardiovascular overall health.

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Our Medical Services

2D Echo

A two-dimensional echocardiogram, commonly referred to as 2D Echo test, is an examination that uses ultrasonic waves to check the way in which the heart is performing.

Pacemakers and Devices

Pacemakers are medical equipment that help and by controlling the heart’s electrical circuitry to ensure its optimum performance. A small device will be placed into the chest area throughout this medical procedure.


An angioplasty is an approach carried out to remove coronary artery clogs brought on by CAR disease. Without needing open surgical intervention, it increases circulation to the heart muscle. In an emergency situation, like a cardiac arrest, angioplasty can be conducted.

Treadmill Test (TMT)

Cardiovascular stress testing involves treadmill exercise paired with electrocardiography (ECG) and blood pressure testing. This type of stress test is frequently carried out in connection with exercise regimens on a bicycle or treadmill.

Intravascular Imaging (IVUS/OCT)

Understanding the mechanistic etiology of stent thrombosis involves intravascular imaging using IVUS and OCT. However, these methods may be used in conjunction with the initial stent implantation intervention to enhance outcomes and indicate ideal stent size, eventually leading to better outcomes and a decrease in stent thrombosis.


This is the process when the guide wire goes into a heart artery that has been restricted because of plaque build-up. To improve the flow of blood through this area of the restricted artery and push the buildup of plaque to the sides, a tiny balloon is placed along with the wire and inflated.

Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy (CRT)

Unbalanced heartbeats, or arrhythmias, can be caused by a variety of factors such as aging, drugs side effects, genetics and damage to the heart. Biventricular pacing, frequently known as CRT, is used to manage arrhythmias symptoms and help patients with heart failure by controlling their heartbeat.

Non Surgical Valve Replacement (TAVI)

TAVR represents transcatheter aortic valve replacement. It is done to replace an aortic valve which has been restricted due to a condition called aortic valve stenosis. A thin flexible tube called catheter is directed into the heart by a doctor before it’s inserted into the blood artery.

Heart Failure Therapy

Heart failure is a medical condition in which the heart’s ability to pump blood is reduced, and is a major worldwide burden on people and healthcare systems.

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